Monday, February 4, 2013

Spring Cleaning in 30 steps

With spring right around the corner I have already been planning on how to tackle one of my favorite things- spring cleaning! I know, OCD is really fun right?! So here is my list of how I am going to manage this year and hopefully it can help out some of you as well. I go down my list in an orderly fashion and try to accomplish 2-3 a day if possible, but sometimes you only get one done a day and that is just fine! 

1. Dust vents, fans (use a pillowcase to dust), window sills, fireplace mantle and top of door frames.
2. Check/Change air filter as needed.
3. Wash windows and clean blinds/wash curtains.
4. Clean kitchen appliances- microwave, fridge, oven, stove, dishwasher.
5. Spot clean walls- I like to use a rag with dawn dish soap and water.
6. Clean your vacuum and steam cleaners. (Side note I clean my washable hepa filter after every other use)
7. Take out all rugs and beat, then vacuum and steam clean if possible.
8. Check ceilings for cobwebs- use a broom to clean off.
9. Go through clothing- search for anything to donate. Box up clothing you wont be wearing in spring and summer, and bring out the warm weather clothing.
10. Polish silverware- toothpaste and a toothbrush really work wonders!
11. Wash all china and glassware according to care instructions.
12. Scrub bathroom- top to bottom.
13. Re-grout tile if needed, spackle holes and cracks as needed.
14. Pour baking soda (if you like, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a nice smell) on carpets, let sit for a few minutes then vacuum up.
15.Vacuum and scrub couch and chairs.
16. Clean office/desk, get rid of pens that don’t work, broken items, any clutter!
17. Collect e-waste around the house and take to recycling. Schools often have e-waste recycling events to raise money so watch for those!
18. Clean the inside of oven, dishwasher and washing machine- neat trick is to use white distilled vinegar. Pour vinegar into dishwasher and run a cycle to remove buildup of soap.
19. Mop any tile floors. I like to use my swifer with a towel soaked in 1/3 part white distilled vinegar, 1/3 part alcohol, and 1/3 part water. Clean hardwood floors with 2 oz of white distilled vinegar mixed with 30 oz of water in a spray bottle.
20. Steam clean your carpets! (I do this 2x a month since I have such active kids)
21. Organize the garage. Yikes, this is a toughy! But labeling boxes and sorting in an orderly fashion can really calm your nerves about each time you go in.
22. Scrub kitchen top to bottom. Counters, walls, sinks. I like to use 2 tbsp of salt and 1 tbsp of white distilled vinegar to scrub the chrome faucets.
23. Polish your wooden furniture.
24. Clean out your wood burning fireplace, especially if used a lot during winter.
25. Clean pictures and frames hanging on your walls
26. Check all medicines and food for expiration dates
27. Clean the little things- light switches and plates, door knobs, clocks, tv, computers, etc.
28. Organize your paperwork: shred old bills and documents.
29. Take the cleaning outside: sweep patios and porches, power spray, and clean  outdoor furniture.
30. Pour a glass of wine, sit outside, and enjoy the coming spring that you just worked so hard for!

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