Sunday, February 10, 2013

At Home Facials

Ever since I was a teenager I loved having facials done. My obsession began by my mom and I buying those small peel off masks and clay masks at the grocery store, then having a girls night. A little bit later I learned a few tricks to make my own facials and shared them with my friends at sleep overs. 

Years later I worked at a day spa and got so spoiled! There truly is nothing like being pampered at a spa and having a professional facial done. My skin always glowed afterwards. Now I am a SAHM on a budget and really miss those indulgent days so I have to improvise. Here are a few ways I like to spoil myself and experiment with different facials I find online and from word of mouth.

With all these facials I always clean my face first and avoid the area around your eyes and lips. Also, after each facials I rinse with cool water and spray with toner, then moisturize. By the way, I love my face cleanser! I have been using Ole Henriksen Aloe Vera Deep Cleanser. My skin feels so soft and smooth using this! 

Honey Lemon Mask
This one is super simple! I do it every morning after my shower.
1 lemon
3-4 drops of honey

First, wash your face and pat dry. Next slice open a lemon, rub honey onto lemon (slightly mixing in with lemon juice), and rub your face with the lemon. 

Let it sit for 5 minutes then rinse with cool water.

(Lemons are so good for your skin, they brighten and tighten!)

Honey Cinnamon Nutmeg Mask
My husband laughs every time I do this one, but oh boy, it feels and smells so good!
1 tsp raw honey
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground nutmeg

As always, wash your face and pat dry. In a small bowl mix honey, cinnamon, and nutmeg into a think paste. Use a small spoon (like a baby spoon) to spread onto your face. Let sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cool water, rubbing a little to exfoliate your skin.

Sometimes I use this on my lips as well, then apply chapstick to moisturize.  

Egg and Lemon Juice Mask
This is a peel off mask if you prefer these.
1 egg white
3-4 drops of lemon juice

Start with a freshly clean face. Using a fork whip the egg white into a frothy foam and mix in the lemon juice. Use a small makeup brush to brush on your face. Let sit for 15 minutes or until completely dry, then peel off. 

This one will leave your face tight and shiny, if you have dry skin, make sure to use your moisturizer after. 

Egg White and Tissue Mask
Another eggy mask.
1 egg white
1 face tissue

Cleanse your face first. Whip the egg white to a frothy foam. Cut your tissue into small strips making it easier to place on your face. Using a makeup brush, apply egg white to your face. Next place tissue on top of the egg white, then brush egg white on again. I like to brush the egg white down from forehead to chin. 

After it dries, peel forehead down to chin, section by section. This works like a DIY Biore strip. I like how tight my pores feel after and how shiny my skin is. 

Bonus Beauty Tips

A few months back I had read that swishing a cap full of hydrogen peroxide in your mouth before brushing your teeth will whiten your smile. I checked into this with my dentist and what I was told is that it is okay to use peroxide in small doses, but using it too much will kill the good bacteria in your mouth leaving it open to harmful bacteria. So when a big event is coming up I like to do this for a week prior-
Using 1 Q-tip, dip into hydrogen peroxide and rub onto teeth, leave on for 30 seconds, then brush teeth. 
This really does whiten your smile! Its like using whitening strips every day. 

For tired eyes with dark circles (like me when I get no sleep, thank you kiddos) you can place used tea bags over your eyes, let sit for 20 minutes. If you don't have tea bags, place 2 spoons in the freezer. Once the spoons are frozen, place on your eyes until the spoons are no longer cold. 

If you have any tips you would like to share, please do so! 

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